School Uniform

Portreath Uniform Policy

The children of our school like their uniform and wear it with pride. We believe firmly in school uniform because:

  • It is smart and distinctive
  • It encourages a positive view of the school and improves the child’s attitude and hence their performance in the classroom
  • It prevents competition between children in what they wear (and it works out cheaper in the long run)
  • It encourages a sense of belonging to the school

It stops arguments in the morning about what the child is going to wear

Uniform Consist of

  • White short of polo shirt
  • School Sweatshirt or School Cardigan available to buy at Trophy Textiles
  • Black or Grey trousers, skirts or shorts
  • Plain Black Shoes
  • Some children choose to wear blue and white checked school dresses during the warmer months

We would prefer the children to wear a jumper or cardigan with the school logo, however, a plain blue jumper or cardigan is also acceptable.  The children have a PE lesson with the sports coach each week.  Children wear their PE kit to school on their PE lesson day. However, in addition to this the children do lots of physical activities during the week so we advise school shoes that are suitable for running and playing in.  Black trainers are acceptable as long as thy are plain black.

PE Kit:

  • T Shirt with the logo (available to buy in school or Trophy Textiles) or a plain blue t-shirt
  • Black shorts
  • Trainers (for outdoor PE )


  • All items of clothings must be clearly marked with your child’s name.
  • No jewellery, including earrings (apart from studs) should be worn to school as there potentially dangerous to all children.

We have made slight adjusts to our uniform policy in 2022, as we recognise that uniform can be costly and we want to support families to be able to adhere to the policy without huge expense.  We also hold regular second hand uniform sales, which we advertise on Class Dojo.  Please contact the school office if you are having trouble purchasing uniform, as we usually have spare second hand uniform that we can give to you.