School Development

Each year the school creates a school development plan that is about how we plan to improve the school during the year.  It focuses on a few key priorities.  This is not to say the school is not working on other things too, but the priorities are the focus of training and monitoring.  The priorities in our School Development Plan are based on the following key evaluative work:

  • Our analysis of summative assessment data regarding the children’s attainment and progress
  • Discussions at our whole staff and governors twilight session in June and the inset day at the start of the year with all teachers and TAs
  • External views and recommendations from our SILC visits with the Crofty Education Trust
  • Parent views from questionnaires
  • Children’s views from pupil conferencing

Our Current Priorities are:

Priority One

Quality of Education – Secure high standards of quality first teaching for all pupils, including SEND and disadvantaged, and use accurate assessment and feedback to identify gaps in learning

  • Secure quality first teaching in phonics
  • Further enhance curriculum provision, teaching and assessment to improve reading, writing and maths and achieve outcomes are in line with or exceed national averages
  • Ensure children in EYFS make an excellent start to their school education and achieve well
  • Use additional funding effectively to enable the most disadvantaged pupils to achieve well including SEND, Pupil Premium, disadvantaged and EAL

Priority Two

Quality of Education- Revisit the broader curriculum to promote progress and to ensure children develop high-quality knowledge and understanding

  • Ensure that the broader curriculum is designed and delivered in a carefully sequenced manner, enabling all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged or have additional needs to achieve the end points and have a secure knowledge base across the curriculum
  • Further enrich the curriculum offer to develop children’s cultural capital
  • Priority Three

    Improve attendance to above 97%.

    • Reduce persistent absenteeism
    • Improve attendance across the school and in particular those with SEND and those considered most disadvantaged

    Priority Four

    Ensure leadership and management, at all levels, is effective in achieving positive outcomes for all pupils

    • Revise the CPPD strategy and develop the coaching model to improve teaching and learning
    • Build leadership capacity to improve all pupil outcomes
    • Leaders ensure that implementation matches curriculum intent
    • Develop the school culture to embody our principles and values and revisit the curriculum drivers to secure excellent learning behaviours  

As well as creating a school development plan document and related action plans, we create a poster to capture what we are focusing on.  The poster attempts to capture what we are exploring and doing.  It acts as a prompt and starting point for discussion with staff about the priorities and it also acts as a visual reminder.  We like to share it with parents too, to give them an idea of our areas of focus for development.

Please find below the posters for previous years.  Hopefully this will demonstrate how we build on previous priorities.  It is not about starting fresh each year-it is a continuous journey of development.

Our previous priorities were: